a little about me..

As an award-winning photojournalist and former Chief of Photography at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, I've built my career on capturing moments:  A child's smiling eyes, a burst of laughter among friends, an artist at work, a look that says everything between a father and his daughter. These are the moments I strive to find.

To me, a photographer needs to "click" with their subjects just as much as they need to "click" the shutter. I pride myself in bringing an energy and excitement to every shoot-- regardless of how large or small because it's just as important to me as I know it is to you. Whether it's from afar or alongside the action, I look forward to capturing the images you want to remember - one moment at a time.


Client List:

Duquesne University School of Law

Duquesne School of Business

Pittsburgh City Theatre

Robert Morris University

LaRoche College

Mt. Lebanon Magazine


Crate & Barrel

Range Resources

CURE Magazine

Cafe Racer Magazine

Mt. Lebanon School District